King’s Landing

Unless you’re a TV-shy recluse who calls the underside of a rock his home, or have recently awoken from a long-term coma, you should be familiar with the scenery from Season 2 of the phenomenal HBO series, A Game of Thrones. The setting for King’s Landing is the majestic old city of Dubrovnik. Also known as “Ragusa”, its history dates back to the 7th or 8th century (depending on which archeological viewpoint you fancy) which has its origins pegged as either a sanctuary for refugees from nearby Epidaurum, or maybe it was settled by the Byzantines ‘cuz they found the ru-eens of a Basilica recently. Or, maybe the ancient Greeks were there before all of these, which fits in with the theory of the father from My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

The bottom line is, it’s hella-old and freakin’ amazing. Another cool thing about Dubrovnik is that it was an independent republic from the 14th century to the 19th century. That means it didn’t need no man to take care of it, I guess. Book-learn yourself more about Dubrovnik bu talking to your local pretentious, yet popular first year student majoring in some field of the Humanities

Actual Dubrovnik Citizen Pictured Here

Speaking of which, this destination was extremely popular with young Californians, who are evidently fond of going far, far away just to have the same salty water and the same exact climate as back home. I asked one couple to explain why that was, but then I got lost in their dreamy blue eyes, sandy tussled hair, and a disregard for the concept of time.
I must also warn you that I started melting well before the tour of the fort began and I’m pretty sure that the heat stroke played a role in me disrobing and dancing around like a buffoon.

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